All tagged testing

Slow, flaky, and failing

Thou shalt not suffer a flaky test to live, because it’s annoying, counterproductive, and dangerous: one day it might fail for real, and you won’t notice. Here’s what to do.

Shameless green

Building software is easy when we’re guided by tests, because we can start with quick-and-dirty solutions, without worrying about whether the code is elegant and readable—yet. Let’s see how to use the TDD technique called “Shameless Green”.

Test names should be sentences

Tests communicate a lot of information, to readers, other developers, and even our future selves. Well-written tests focus on a single unit of behaviour that can be described in a brief sentence, and we can use that sentence as the name of the test.

Programming with confidence

There’s an easy, pleasant, and reliable way to build software in Go, guided by tests. Let’s find out what it’s like to program with confidence, in the first part of this TDD tutorial series.

Target acquired

Let’s continue our exploration of fuzz testing in Go with a look at how to write a fuzz target for a (nearly) realistic function. This time we’ll try to detect a common kind of bug involving a confusion between runes and bytes.

What the fuzz?

Fuzz testing is Go’s clever way of generating new test inputs that you didn’t think of—and that may flush out some hidden bugs. Stand by for things to get a little fuzzy!

Random testing in Go

Choosing good test cases for our Go programs can be a bit hit-and-miss. What if we could automate that process? Let’s talk about randomisation, property-based testing, and Go’s built-in fuzz testing feature.

The adapter pattern in Go

How do you test a database without a database? Don't worry, this isn't one of those Zen puzzles. I have something more practical, but equally enlightening, in mind. Let’s use the adapter pattern to solve the riddle.

Error wrapping in Go

Distinguishing between specific error values and types is easy in Go, thanks to the (relatively) new errors.Is and errors.As functions. Let’s talk about what they do, when and how to use them, and how to know which one is appropriate.

Comparing Go error values

Usually what matters about an error is that it’s not nil, but what if we want to know whether it’s some specific error value? For example, in a test? Let’s look at some of the right and wrong ways to do that.

Testing errors in Go

How should we test errors in Go? And how does the need for this testing influence the way we construct, handle, and pass around errors within our Golang programs?