Test names should be sentences

Test names should be sentences

What are we really testing here?

If it takes more than a sentence to explain what you’re doing, that’s almost always a sign that it’s too complicated.

—Sam Altman, “How to Start a Startup“

What are tests, actually? One interesting and slightly unusual way to think about them is as a way of communicating. Not with the computer, except in a shallow sense.

Rather, we’re really communicating with our fellow programmers, our successors, and even our future selves. So what is it that we’re communicating, in fact? What’s the point of a test?

Tests capture intent

Tests aren’t just about verifying that the system works, because we could do that (slowly) by hand. The deeper point about tests is that they capture intent. They document what was in our minds when we built the software; what user problems it’s supposed to solve; how the system is supposed to behave in different circumstances and with different inputs.

As we’re writing the tests, they serve to help us clarify and organise our thoughts about what we actually want the system to do. Because if we don’t know that, how on earth can we be expected to code it?

No amount of elegant programming or technology will solve a problem if it is improperly specified or understood to begin with.

—Milt Bryce, “Bryce’s Laws”

So the first person you need to communicate with when you’re writing a test is yourself. Start by describing the required behaviour in words: “When the user does X, then Y happens, and so on.” As you do this, the very act of description will prompt you to fill in some of the blanks: what if this happens? What if you get that input?

This won’t be straightforward. If it were, this step wouldn’t be necessary, but it is. Our brains are wonderful at ignoring irrelevant details, and picking out what’s really important. They evolved that way. If there’s a sabre-toothed cat leaping at you, you don’t need to know what colour its stripes are. You just need to run like hell.

But computers don’t work like that. If they did, we could just type one sentence and be done: Do what I mean! Instead, we have to explain every step, every twist and turn, and every change in circumstance.

In other words, we have to be clear.

The most important single aspect of software development is to be clear about what you are trying to build.

—Bjarne Stroustrup, “The C++ Programming Language”

The first question we need to ask ourselves before writing a test, then, is:

What are we really testing here?

Until we know the answer to that, we won’t know what test to write. And until we can express the answer in words, ideally as a short, clear sentence, we can’t be sure that the test will accurately capture our intent.

Test names should be sentences

So now that we have a really clear idea about the behaviour we want, the next step is to communicate that idea to someone else. The test as a whole should serve this purpose, but let’s start with the test name.

You know that test functions in Go need to start with the word Test, but the rest of the function name is up to us. Usually, we don’t think too hard about this part.

But maybe we’re missing a trick. The name of the test isn’t just paperwork, it’s an opportunity for communication. And communication has a lot more to do with great software engineering than you might think:

It’s possible that a not-so-smart person, who can communicate well, can do much better than a super smart person who can’t communicate well. That is good news because it is much easier to improve your communication skills than your intelligence.

—Kevin Kelly, “Excellent Advice for Living”

Tests communicate by failing. When this test fails, as it surely will at some time or other, what will be printed out before anything else? Its name.

So, just like the specific failure string that we pass to t.Error or t.Fatal, the name of the test is also a message. What should it say? It should describe the behaviour of the system that the test checks. In other words, the name of the test is the behaviour that it’s designed to disprove.

Let’s take an example. Suppose we have some function called Valid that takes some input and checks whether or not it’s valid. It doesn’t matter what the input is, or what “valid” means in this context. Let’s just say that the input is valid if it’s the exact string "valid input". Any other string will be considered invalid.

To write the test, we’ll start by writing out the behaviour explicitly as a sentence, as concisely as we can without sacrificing relevant detail:

Valid returns true for valid input

It may not be possible to express in detail what “valid input” means in a single short sentence, but that’s okay. The job of this initial sentence is to describe the focus of this test, not every detail about it.

Now it’s time to expand this into runnable code. Here’s the test that most Go programmers would probably write, if they’re not used to thinking of tests as a communication tool:

func TestValid(t *testing.T) {
    want := true
    got := valid.Valid("valid input")
    if want != got {
        t.Errorf("want %t, got %t", want, got)

(Listing valid/1)

Failures are a message to the future

There doesn’t seem to be too much wrong with this, and indeed there isn’t; it’s a perfectly reasonable test. But it doesn’t communicate as much as it could. When it fails, what do we see?

--- FAIL: TestValid (0.00s)
    valid_test.go:12: want true, got false

How useful is this output? Remember, we won’t be looking at the code for the test function when we see this. All we’ll see is this message, and it might be in the middle of a long list of other output. It conveys no context about what’s going on, what the test was trying to do, what the input was, or what this failure means.

All we know is what we see: “TestValid: want true, got false”. That’s pretty opaque. It leaves the reader with many questions:

  • What value were we inspecting?
  • Why did we expect it to be true?
  • For what input?
  • What does it mean that we got false instead?
  • In what respect is the system not behaving as specified?

In order to solve the problem indicated by this failing test, we need to do a fair amount of work. We have to find the relevant test, read it through and understand what it’s doing overall, look at the specific line that’s failing, understand why it might have failed, and only then go and fix the system code.

Multiply this by more than a few test failures, and it’s clear that we’re inadvertently creating a lot of unfair extra work for some poor, harassed developer in the future. This is a serious problem, not least because that developer might well be us.

Can we do more to help? Is there any work we could do in advance of the test failure, to make it easier to diagnose when it does happen?

Let’s start with the name of the test. Something vague like TestValid is no help (what about Valid?) Instead, we could use the test name to describe the required behaviour in detail.

We already have a short sentence that does this:

Valid returns true for valid input

Why shouldn’t we simply remove the spaces from this sentence and use the result as the name of the test?

func TestValidIsTrueForValidInput(t *testing.T) {

Remember, when the test fails, this name will be the first thing printed out:

--- FAIL: TestValidIsTrueForValidInput (0.00s)

In fact, this name conveys so much information, we may not need to say very much else. If Valid is supposed to be true for valid input, and we’re seeing this failure, then we can immediately infer that it must have, in fact, been false for valid input.

It’s still good practice to have t.Error report the actual result, even if there’s only one possibility, as in this case. So here’s the updated test:

func TestValidIsTrueForValidInput(t *testing.T) {
    if !valid.Valid("valid input") {

(Listing valid/2)

So the complete failure message, including the name of the test, is:

--- FAIL: TestValidIsTrueForValidInput (0.00s)
    main_test.go:20: false

And even though the failure message is much shorter than our original version, it actually gives much more information when combined with a test name in the form of a sentence.

Are we testing all important behaviours?

Taking advantage of an otherwise neglected communication channel—the test name—helps make future test failures easier to fix. But there’s another benefit, too.

In order to write a useful sentence describing the system’s behaviour, we needed to include three things: the action, the condition, and the expectation. In other words:

Test names should be ACE: they should include Action, Condition, and Expectation.

For example, in the test for our Valid function, these are as follows:

  • Action: calling Valid
  • Condition: with valid input
  • Expectation: returns true

By being explicit about these, the test sentence can also suggest other possibilities. For example, how should Valid behave under different conditions? What should it do when given invalid input?

And that’s something we need to know. While it’s important that Valid is true for valid input, it’s equally important (if not more important) that it’s false for invalid input. After all, it might just always be true, which would pass this test, but still not be useful in the real program.

In other words, we need to think about implementations of Valid that would pass the “valid input” test, but nevertheless be incorrect. Here’s a simple example:

func Valid(input string) bool {
    return true

(Listing valid/3)

The point of Valid is to reject invalid input, but we don’t have to look too hard at the code to see that, in fact, it can never do this. Yet our test will pass, and if we check coverage, we’ll see that the function is 100% covered by the test.

Many real tests are just like this. The developers feel good about the system, because the tests pass, and the code is well covered. But they’re not looking closely enough at what the tests are really testing. Let’s not make the same mistake.

After we’ve written a test, then, it’s important to ask ourselves the question:

What are we really testing here?

It’s possible to set out with a very clear intention, yet end up writing a test that doesn’t actually do quite what we meant it to. We need to review the code afterwards and see whether it really expresses the intent captured by the original behaviour sentence. If it does, are there other important behaviours remaining that we haven’t yet tested?

By saying everything two ways—both as code and as tests—we hope to reduce our defects enough to move forward with confidence. From time to time our reasoning will fail us and a defect will slip through. When that happens, we learn our lesson about the test we should have written and move on.

—Kent Beck, “Test-Driven Development by Example”

The power of combining tests

What we’ve realised by going through this thought process is that Valid actually has two important behaviours, and we’ve only tested one of them: that it returns true for valid input.

That’s the “happy path”, if you like, and it’s important, but it’s also easy to pass with a completely broken implementation of Valid, as we’ve seen.

To have confidence that Valid can actually discriminate between valid and invalid inputs, we need to test the “sad path” too. For example:

func TestValidIsFalseForInvalidInput(t *testing.T) {
    if valid.Valid("invalid input") {

(Listing valid/4)

Of course, this test is also insufficient by itself. If this were the only test we had, it would be easy to pass by simply having Valid always return false, whatever its input.

The point is that the two tests combined can give us confidence in the correctness of Valid. Each test tells us something useful about the system’s behaviour on its own, but not the whole story. Only by running them together can we detect faulty implementations such as always returning a fixed value.

Another way to think about this is there are two possible behaviours of Valid, so we need to cover both of them with tests. Remember, test behaviours, not functions. Each behaviour of the system is a distinct code path that needs to be exercised by some test if we’re to have confidence in it.

The “lazy” Valid implementation might seem unrealistic, but it’s the sort of thing that can easily happen in large projects, with many developers and testers, and not enough time. Maybe the implementer had multiple failing tests, and needed to “fix” them quickly to bypass the normal deployment checks. They might even have left a comment to remind themselves to implement the function properly later:

return true // TODO: write real implementation

Unfortunately, tests can’t read comments. And, if we’re being honest with ourselves, TODO comments like this almost never result in action anyway. They represent the graveyard of things we’ll never get around to.

Bugs aren’t always as obvious as this, though. If only they were, our work would be a lot easier. Let’s look at another possible incorrect implementation of Valid:

func Valid(input string) bool {
    return strings.Contains(input, "valid input")

(Listing valid/4)

This almost looks reasonable, doesn’t it? And it will pass the “valid input” test. But it’s still wrong. Can you see how? If not, think about what would happen if we called Valid with the string "invalid input".

Recall that we defined the input as valid if it’s exactly the string valid input. In other words, it’s not good enough for input just to contain that string: it also mustn’t contain anything else. So strings.Contains isn’t the right thing to use here.

This is why we also need a test that Valid returns false when given input that contains valid input as a substring. We can imagine an incorrect implementation that’s equivalent to strings.Contains, so we need a bug detector that detects this.

Even when we’re being very disciplined and writing tests first, it’s easy to end up writing this sort of bug. And because we have passing tests, this can give us a completely unjustified confidence in the system.

Over time, this can create a dangerous complacency. The tests have been passing for months! So the system must be correct. Mustn’t it?

Just as a car needs regular inspection and service, it’s a good idea for us to take a really close look at our tests every so often and ask:

What are we really testing here?

And, as we’ve seen, one effective way to answer this is to imagine some incorrect implementations that could nevertheless pass the test. Then we extend the tests so that we can automatically detect and eliminate such bugs.

The thing that most people forget about code is that it changes over time. Even if the implementation is correct now, someone might look at it in a few months or years and ask, “Could I refactor this function to just return true?” If they try this, and it passes the tests, they will quite justifiably assume that their refactoring is correct.

That’s why we need to write more robust tests. Our tests constitute our bug detector for the whole system. It needs to detect not only the bugs that we write today, but also the bugs that we—or someone else—might write in the future.

Reading tests as docs, with gotestdox

The combined power of our two tests is too much for even the laziest and most malicious implementer. Now the quickest and easiest way to get the tests passing is simply to write a correct implementation of Valid. Here’s one:

func Valid(input string) bool {
    return input == "valid input"

(Listing valid/5)

And since most people will understandably get their jobs done in the quickest, easiest way possible, it’s a good idea to make the easiest way also the correct one. These tests do exactly that.

We now have two very short, very focused, and very important tests for Valid. Let’s see what their names tell us, as behaviour sentences:

func TestValidIsFalseForInvalidInput(...)
func TestValidIsTrueForValidInput(...)

We now have a complete description of the important behaviour of Valid. It’s almost like documentation. Indeed, we could take just these test names, strip out the func boilerplate, add some spaces back in, and print them out like this:

Valid is false for invalid input
Valid is true for valid input

These are the sentences we started with: the ones that guided our writing of the original tests. They perfectly capture our intent. They say what we’re really testing here.

And wouldn’t it be handy to automate this process, so we could just run our test code through some translator that prints out these sentences?

Funny you should ask that. There’s a tool called gotestdox you might like to try. Let’s install it:

go install github.com/bitfield/gotestdox/cmd/gotestdox@latest

If we run it in our package directory, it will run the tests, and report the results, while simultaneously translating the test names into readable sentences:


 ✔ Valid is false for invalid input (0.00s)
 ✔ Valid is true for valid input (0.00s)

Why the name gotestdox? Because these aren’t just test results: they’re docs. This isn’t a new idea, it turns out:

My first “Aha!” moment occurred as I was being shown a deceptively simple utility called agiledox, written by my colleague, Chris Stevenson. It takes a JUnit test class and prints out the method names as plain sentences.

The word “test” is stripped from both the class name and the method names, and the camel-case method name is converted into regular text. That’s all it does, but its effect is amazing.

Developers discovered it could do at least some of their documentation for them, so they started to write test methods that were real sentences.

—Dan North, “Introducing BDD”

When you see your test names printed out as sentences, it’s suddenly clear how much more they could communicate. You’ll start thinking about your tests in a new way, by writing names that are real sentences.

One of the first steps I take when code-reviewing a student’s project is to run its test names through gotestdox, and show them the result. It’s a very effective way of getting them to think about their test names as a useful communication channel, and usually has a significant effect on improving the tests.

Most developers, as we’ve seen, instinctively name their tests after the action involved: calling Valid, for example. That’s a good start. But by naming the test with a complete sentence, we’re forced to also include the two other relevant facts about the test. Those are the conditions under which Valid is being tested, and our corresponding expectations about what it should do in that case.

Without these, a test name doesn’t really tell us much. A name like TestValid isn’t a sentence. If you try to read it that way, as a statement about the behaviour of Valid, it’s incomplete:


Now you know how to complete that sentence, don’t you? By saying what Valid does, and when. For example, “Valid returns true for valid input.”

Running the test suite through a tool like gotestdox can point out a lot of opportunities to add useful information to our test names, and maybe even some new tests. But the most important thing it does is force us to think a bit more clearly about what our tests are communicating.

Let me ask you, what’s the purpose of your test? To test that “it works”? That’s only half the story. The biggest challenge in code is not to determine whether “it works”, but to determine what “it works” means.

—Kevlin Henney, “Program with GUTs”

In other words, the name of a test should define what “it works” means for the system under test. gotestdox will not only format this definition for us in a helpful way, it will also report on its status. If the test is passing, the sentence will be preceded by a checkmark:

 ✔ Valid is true for input (0.00s)

If the test fails, an x before the test sentence shows that the relevant part of the system is not yet correct:

 x Valid is false for invalid input (0.00s)

A sentence is about the right size for a unit

If you find that it’s difficult to express the behaviour you’re testing as a single concise sentence, then that can be a useful signal in itself. You may be trying to cram too much behaviour into a single test.

To make things easier for both yourself and anyone trying to read the tests, split the behaviour up into multiple tests instead.

What to call your test is easy: it’s a sentence describing the next behaviour in which you are interested. How much to test becomes moot: you can only describe so much behaviour in a single sentence.

—Dan North, “Introducing BDD”

Indeed, maybe you’re trying to cram too much behaviour into a single unit. That’s a smell, too. Turning that around, we might say that a well-designed unit should have no more behaviour than can be expressed in a few short sentences, each of which can be translated directly into a test.

It turns out that the information contained in a single sentence corresponds quite well to the amount of behaviour that a unit should have. In both cases, it’s about how much complexity our minds are comfortable dealing with in a single chunk.

And if you can’t actually express your test in terms of some user-visible behaviour, or as fulfilling some external requirement for the system, then maybe you’re not really testing anything useful. Perhaps you should just skip this test altogether.

Your unit test name should express a specific requirement. This requirement should be somehow derived from either a business requirement or a technical requirement. If your test is not representing a requirement, why are you writing it? Why is that code even there?

—Roy Osherove, “Naming Standards for Unit Tests”

Let’s look at some examples from the Go project itself, as reported by gotestdox:

 ✔ Read simple (0.00s)
 ✔ Read bare quotes (0.00s)
 ✔ Read bare double quotes (0.00s)
 ✔ Read bad double quotes (0.00s)
 ✔ Read bad field count (0.00s)
 ✔ Read trailing comma EOF (0.00s)
 ✔ Read non ASCII comma and comment (0.00s)
 ✔ Read quoted field multiple LF (0.00s)
 ✔ Read multiple CRLF (0.00s)
 ✔ Read huge lines (0.00s)

The moment any of these tests fails, it’ll be really clear what specific behaviour is not happening as expected:

 x Read huge lines (0.00s)

gotestdox is a thinking tool

A tool like gotestdox, which gives us a clear picture of exactly what information our tests are communicating, can be a very useful thinking aid. It can help us break up the system itself into more focused and self-contained units of behaviour. It can help us design better, more comprehensive, and more readable tests for those units.

And it can help bring about a fundamental change in the way we think about tests. We can switch from treating tests as dull but necessary paperwork, to using them as a clear, expressive, and automatically verifiable description of the system itself, in language that users understand.

The next time you write a test, then, you might like to try asking, not just “what are we really testing here?”, but also “what intent is this test communicating?”

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The smallest thing in Go

Programming with confidence

Programming with confidence